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CCS Class Descriptions/喜瑞都中文學校課程説明

Mommy/Daddy and Me Class

Mommy/Daddy and Me is a class with parent participation. Incorporating songs, crafts and games, the teacher introduces Chinese words to children in an engaging and effective way. Students will learn early foundations leading to Preschool. Ages 2-4.



Preschool Class

Preschool engages children with spoken language, and character recognition in numbers, colors and other early education subjects typically covered in preschool. Students will learn early foundations leading to Kindergarten. Ages 4-5. 




Kindergarten advances children into written language and tone differentiation in addition to spoken language and character recognition. Students will learn foundations that lead to Zhuyin, Pinyin or CFL track classes. Ages 5-6. 



Zhuyin Track – Level 1-3

Zhuyin classes teach Chinese using the phonetic teaching method typically taught in Taiwan. Students learn spoken language and written language in traditional characters. This class series starts at Level 1 and continues into Level 3.  Students will learn foundations that lead into Chinese Level 4 and up. 

注音班 – 1-3年級


Pinyin Track – Level 1-3

Pinyin classes teach Chinese using the phonetic teaching method typically taught in Mainland China and traditional language classes in the US schools and colleges. Students learn spoken language and written language in simplified characters. This class series starts at Level 1 and continues into Level 3. Students will learn foundations that lead into Chinese Level 4 and up. 

拼音班 – 1-3年級


Chinese – Level 4-6, Middle School and High School

Chinese classes teach Chinese for students at a more proficient level advancing into more complex spoken and written compositions. This class series starts at Level 4 and continues into Middle School and High School depending on demand. This series is also ideal for students who plan on eventually taking SAT II and AP Chinese tests to supplement their studies. 

綜合漢語班 – 4-6年級,初中班,和高中班

綜合漢語班漢語課為學生提供更高水平的漢語教學,學生會學習到更深一層的中文辭藻會話和完整的作文書寫。此課程系列從第4級開始,並根據需要繼續延伸到初中和高中。該系列對於計劃最終參加SAT II和AP漢語考試以補充其學習的學生來說也是理想的選擇。

CFL Track – Level A to High School

CFL or Chinese as a Foreign Language teaches Chinese with an emphasis on spoken language. Ideal for students that don’t speak Chinese at home, CFL focuses on teaching speaking and listening skills. This class series starts at Level 1 and continues into grade school levels, as well as Middle School and High School based on demand.

CFL班 – A級-F級,和高中班

CFL,或外語中文班, CFL班是非常適合在家中不講中文的學生,課程著重在中文會話的說和聽的能力。此課程系列從第A級開始,並根據需要升級到小學至初中班和高中班。

Adult Conversation – Beginner and Advanced

Adult Conversation teaches conversational chinese to students over the age of 18 regardless of level of experience. This class series is excellent for adults who wish to learn Chinese for recreational or career purposes. 

成人會話班 – 初級班和高級班
